Pinn Profiles 

Updated 2001/10/27 at 15:32:47 (Eastern Australian time). These notes are being built up as information comes to hand. If you have downloaded previous editions, please replace them with this latest version.Anyone who has a copy of the 1978 duplicated notes, please destroy them and replace them with this version. Kevin Swann

William John Pinn

William's step mother died when he was thirteen years old and because he didn't get on with her, it is said that he laughed during the funeral while her body was being lowered into the grave. His father chased him but William hid and then ran away to join the army.

While stationed in Ireland, he was ceremonially stripped of his stripes for being drunk. He was then sent to the cook house where he became an army cook.

After leaving the army, he became a signal man on the Great Northern Line in England. At one stage he lived and worked at Tempsford where a daughter, Olive, was born. When Olive was quite small the company moved William to Stevenage. (Click here for map) They lived at Fisher's Green, Stevenage where he worked just down the road in the signal box. Cicely Swann takes up the story:-

When the new town of Stevenage was built in the 1950s, the railway station was moved further south and Bill's signal box was demolished to make way for a new bridge over the railway line.

At Fisher's Green the Pinns lived in a building divided into three dwellings, theirs being at the right hand end of the building. (Click here of photos) In 1978 a Mr. Furrs and his companion lived at the opposite end of the building. When interviewed in 1978, Mr. Furrs could still remember "old Bill Pinn" who used to live in the end house when Mr Furrs was a boy. Mr Furrs thought old Bill never had any children. In fact he had five:- Cecil William who died 20th January 1901 aged 20; Frank who had a son named Bill; Sidney who married Lillian and had a daughter, Ida, and perhaps a son; Phyllis Emma who died at St. Barnabas Home, Torquay 3rd January 1908 aged 17; Olive Louisa who had seven children and died in Sydney Australia on the 15th August 1974, aged 92.

Fisher's Green is now a park with houses backing onto it. These houses hide the old Steppin Farm, granary, cow shed and stables which (in 1956) was still visible across the field opposite the Pinn's home.

Mr. Furrs' companion, used to work as a maid on Steppin farm. (In 1978 her niece owned Bills old home and the one in the middle. These had been remodeled to make one dwelling.)

William married twice, his first wife being Emma Louisa Edmunds. Emma suffered from asthma and bronchitis so William had to take on much of the care of the three children and the house work. Emma died 23 March 1905 aged 50, just four weeks before the birth of her first grandchild - Cicely Swann. Emma was buried on 27th March 1905 at Nicholas' Stevenage.

Olive used to tell the story that her father was one of the first to successfully grow tomatoes in Stevenage and his verdict was that he "didn't like them much".

William only ever knew three of his seven grand children (Cicely, Robert & Molly) when they lived nearby in Stevenage for a few years (Joyce had died when she was only 8 days old). Then Olive, her husband Sidney Swann and the first three of their children migrated to Australia in 1912.

I have not been able to establish where and when William died - his death is not mentioned in the parish of Stevenage records.

Olive Louisa Swann (nee Pinn,)

Olive Louisa Pinn Was born at Tempsford (about 20 miles NNW of Stevenage) on 14th August, 1882, daughter of William and Emma. In 1904 she married Sidney Swann (Click here) who came from March, Cambridgeshire. They lived in Bournemouth Rd just around the corner from Olive's father William Pinn.

In 1906 according to Kelly's Directory of Trade and Business, Sidney was a "wood gate and fence manufacturer at the Steam Joinery Works, High Street, Stevenage". Later he moved his business to Middle Row. They had by this time moved to Baker St. (a lane off Middle Row)

In 1912, Sidney, Olive end their three children Cicely, Robert, and Molly migrated to Goulburn, Australia (Joyce had died aged 8 days in 1907). Four more Children were born in Goulburn, Donald, Morton, John (Jack) and Elizabeth (Betty).

After this they moved to Strathfield in Sydney where Sidney died in 1949 and where Olive continued to live in Chalmers Road with her son John (who died in 1968) and daughter Cicely, until Olive's death in August, 1974 at the age of 92.

 Kevin Swann
